afPE Quality Mark for Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity - Distinction
We are delighted to announce the achievement of this award.
The assessment panel has considered our application, together with the feedback from the validation, and afPE is delighted to award your school the Quality Mark with Distinction for ‘demonstrating outstanding commitment to improvement in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity’.
Our award is valid for three years, commencing February 2024. The validator has highlighted the following reasons for the award:
- The leadership of Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity is well informed and innovative.
- The Website shows meticulous attention to detail with regard to PE Premium investment over 5 years.
- The SLT are passionate about PESSPA and are robust in ensuring that it is a priority in engaging the entire school, and the wider community in a common vision. There is a significant investment in the use of Physical Education & Physically Activity Learning as a tool to support children who would otherwise really struggle.
- The Curriculum is cohesive, and is holistically planned around what the children need, and so the curriculum is broad in content, but very balanced in the underpinning learning intentions. It is clear that learning is sequenced across each year with clear connectivity between units, and there are sequential links between years too, particularly between R and Yr1.