Curriculum, Pupil Welfare and Admissions Committee
The Curriculum, Pupil Welfare and Admissions Committee review, amend and approve curriculum policies including SEN and safeguarding. They also approve the admission policies for School, Nursery and Kids Club and implement the policies having regard to the School Admissions Code.
Finance and Audit Committee
The Finance and Audit Committee approve the submission to the Governing Body for ratification, the first formal budget plan each financial year for both the School and Kids Club and to receive and consider monitoring reports at least 3 times a year. The Committee ensures the propriety and regularity of financial transactions to minimise risk of fraud and theft. They committee also promotes the highest standards of propriety in the use of public funds and encourages proper accountability for the use of those funds.
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee advises the Governing Body on all current personnel developments which may affect the school's pay policy or budget. They also facilitate the recruitment process for members of staff.
Property Committee
The Property Committee agrees the buildings strategy (including budgeting for repairs etc), building maintenance plan and contribute to Asset Management Planning arrangements. The Committee also carries out health and safety inspections and monitors health and safety arrangements.
Review Committee
The Review Committee determines the salary of staff for 1st September of each year taking account of the current national Pay and Conditions Document, the school's current pay policy and the recommendations of the Headteacher.